A perfect trading solution for modern era

Trade on MAGGEX

What is MAGGEX? 

- a payment guarantor
- an authority on property transfer
- a place to trade any goods and services


- providing a point based currency exchange system
- allowing to keep money in a wallet as internal currency
- a stand-alone accounting, tracking and payment system
- a platform for direct document and communication exchange
- reducing exposure to delays, fees and penalties in bank transfers 

Bank on MAGK


MAGKs represent real-world assets only



Deal w/MAGK

Counter purchases

The seller provides machinery or equipment, and the second company manufactures products using them. A batch of these products is transferred to the first company as payment for the equipment supply

Counter deliveries

The manufacturer provides its own products to the partner, and the second party has the right to sell them. The price of this sale may or may not be specified in the contract. The proceeds are used to purchase equipment or raw materials necessary for production

Count on MAGK

Barter lease

For example, one company can provide the second with its equipment, material base, store or territory in exchange for products manufactured by the partner


The exchange of raw materials and materials for goods, when one party provides raw materials, and the second processes them, repaying the debt with finished products. Work according to this scheme is often used in foreign economic activity, in a situation where a foreign mining company supplies raw materials, and a domestic processor produces finished goods


Earn w/MAGK 


Modern trade is an effective method of increasing sales, conserving cash, moving inventory, and making use of excess production capacity for businesses

 Services we provide


- Strategic business development
- Search for products 
- Partner verification
- Price verification
- Legal support
- Negotiations
- Insurance
- Banking